Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Five Things I would change about Boise State, my Alma Mater

I graduated from Boise State University with a degree in marketing in December of 2005. I enjoyed my time there and think that the university has many great programs. But I do have to shake my head at a few disappointing things that need to change at my alma matter.

1) The College of Business and Economics (COBE) Website - I guess my main issue with the site is that is looks like someones first website. Perhaps they grabbed a template and added a few different links. All I know is that anyone that is looking into attending Boise State for it's business program is probably thinking the same thing. I understand that BSU is a state college and most student commute from the Treasure Valley, but if the university is going to become a metropolitan research university, upgrade and put some class in the websites.

2) - I realize that you are trying to promote the Logo for Boise State, but the website is too busy and gives me a headache. Please clean it up a bit. It just doesn't look clean.

3) Better Technical Solutions - Using Oracle and many other propriety software solutions is great for a lot of what Boise State needs. I would like to hear about a cost saving method using Open Source Software to reduce costs.

4) Tuition - I would like the students to have a better understanding of what they are paying for with their Tuitions fees. Go look at what your tuition and fees pays for. If you don't like it, go talk to the ASBSU front office in the sub and find out how you can get involved. Attending one of the Budget planning meetings (open to the public) is an interesting event.

5) Boise State Football - This is more of a rant on fans. Please do not participate in the 'wave'. I can't stand it. I have recently read a few articles on the wave and it's origin. I am sick of it. I am an Oakland A's fan and loved the wave during a slow 3rd inning. But if I get interrupted in the 3rd quarter on a visiting teams' 3rd and long situation by some dumb kids in the student section waving their arms because the wave is coming through, I am going to do and/or say something harsh. And I don't want to do it. Save the wave for halftime if you must do it.

These are my simple thoughts on what Boise State could do to better the situation and just make me a happier Alumni. I know I haven't contributed anything yet, but these would give me some compelling reasons to do so when I get the extra cash.

Thanks for the diploma and the education BSU, now win me a BCS game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!